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Mark a Work Order as Bill to Resident

Resident billings are done on a per work order basis. You can choose any one of four convenient ways to identify that a work order is billable.

Work Order Billing Info Panel

When you're updating the details of a work order, the most convenient way to mark a work order as billable is from the Billing Info panel of the work order.

  1. Enter the work order number in the search box and click on the search button.
  2. On the Search - Work Orders page, click on the blue hyperlinked work order number.
  3. Click on the Billing Info panel to expand this section.
  4. Check the box next to Bill to Resident?
  5. Click the Save Billing Info button.


Quick Complete

The Quick Complete option is only available on work order with a lightning bolt icon () which indicates the work order is ready to be marked complete.

  1. Click on the Home tab.
  1. From the Overview dashboard, hover your mouse over the actions list to the right of the work order and click Complete. If the work order has been assigned, a Quick Complete pop-up window appears where you can fill in or change a few completion details. *Note: Work orders that are ready for the Quick Complete option are noted with a lightning bolt icon ().
  2. Check the Bill to Resident box to denote that the work order will be billed.
  3. When you click Save, the billing amounts are calculated according to the automated billing logic and the chargeback rate settings.


Completion Wizard

The Completion Wizard is accessed from work orders that do not have a lightning bolt icon and require additional information before being marked complete.

  1. Click on the Home tab.
  2. From the Overview dashboard, hover your mouse over the actions list to the right of the work order and click Complete.
  3. If you are ready to complete the work order, enter information in the Notes & Labor, Meters, and Inventory steps in the Completion Wizard pop-up.
  4. Click on Step 4. Costs & Billings and check the Bill to Resident box to denote that the work order will be billed.
  5. Click the Complete WO button if the work order is ready to be marked complete, or exit the completion wizard to save your changes.

Mobile Completion Status Panel

  1. If you are using Mobile Worx, you can specify whether the work order should be billed to a resident on the Completion Status panel.
  2. This panel is visible when you change the status of a work order to Completed.
  3. Work orders with Bill to Resident checked will have automated billing logic applied.
  4. To customize the billings of these work orders beyond the automated billing logic, edit the Billing Info panel of a work order from a desktop pc.